Was anyone else just dying to know what Samantha Bee had to say about the Roger Ailes sexual assault case when her show aired on Monday evening?

If you were like me, you may have missed Bee’s broadcast since you were too busy being glued to your favorite news network or livestream trying to soak up every beautiful word from Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders at the Democratic Convention.

If so, never fear, because I’ve got “Full Frontal” highlights galore!

This particular segment was actually a web extra, so even if you had been watching on Monday night, you might have missed this searing zinger from Bee on the total creep-show Roger Ailes.

“Congratulations, Roger, you finally achieved your ultimate fantasy: getting f*cked by two gorgeous employees at the same time!”

“Roger Ailes made Fox News an unstoppable powerhouse by discovering the secret to big ratings: what viewers really want is to be furiously angry while also having a boner.”

Sam, don’t ever change!
