Though most media outlets have been focused non-stop on Donald Trump’s latest gaffes, there is a great deal of drama going down on the Democratic side of politics that need to be acknowledged.

Over the last few days, a slew of Wikileaks have been released, one by one, in the interest of exposing the goings-ons inside the Clinton campaign over the last year. The leaks include large groups of emails from John Podesta, the Clinton campaign chairman.

The latest leaks have been incredibly controversial, being mostly ignored by corporate media. Some argue that some of the emails are fake, making it hard to tell what is real and what is not. Others have elected to focus instead on the the idea that the leaks may be coming from Russia at the request of Russian leadership to obtain the presidency for Donald Trump.

The Young Turk’s Jordan Chariton has been on top of the recently leaked Podesta Emails from the start. In this latest video, he plans to discuss the fifth day of the Podesta leaks.

You can watch that live right here: