Donald Trump is a fan of frequently mentioning Hillary Clinton’s private email server and the fact that she reportedly deleted 30,000 emails, but he may want to let that talking-point die down a bit as he has now been accused of doing nearly the same thing.

In court records dating back to the early 1970s, Trump and his team reportedly deleted and destroyed important documents requested by the courts in a litany of lawsuits.

According to NewsWeek:

“Over the course of decades, Donald Trump’s companies have systematically destroyed or hidden thousands of emails, digital records and paper documents demanded in official proceedings, often in defiance of court orders. . . In each instance, Trump and entities he controlled also erected numerous hurdles that made lawsuits drag on for years, forcing courtroom opponents to spend huge sums of money in legal fees as they struggled—sometimes in vain—to obtain records.”

The Newsweek exposé discovered that Trump, his family, and his company purposefully blustered and blundered to extend lawsuits against the Trump name. Trump was willing to lie, destroy evidence, and wholly ignore court orders for information in order to get his way.

In one case, Trump and his company repeatedly stated that they did not operate a server until 2001, but after tedious examination and depositions from IT professionals in the company, it was discovered that was a lie. Of course, the company was still unable to provide any data from that server before 2001 – a convenient factor.

In the case where Trump properties were accused of discriminating against black residents, Trump turned around and sued the state government for defamation just to try and distract from his own crimes. Trump forced his employees to lie under oath repeatedly to discredit and distract the prosecution.

Despite knowing that they were under investigation, Trump’s companies never made an effort to save pertinent documentation, deleting full server information each year and in some cases, making entire computers with valuable information disappear entirely.

The deception and outrageous lies goes on and on, truly. To get the whole picture, read the Newsweek article.