When likely future Vice President Tim Kaine went to cast his ballot on Election day, his goal was to be the first eager voter in line.

Unfortunately for Kaine, he was not the first in line – that honor belonged to 99-year-old Minerva Turpin. At Kaine’s polling location, a senior center two blocks from his home in Richmond, Virginia, Turpin serves as the president of the residents’ association.

Said Kaine:

“Well, Ms. Turpin gave me reason to believe that I might win her vote. I voted at a senior center that’s two blocks from my house. She is the president of the residents’ association. So she welcomed me — she was the first voter, I was the second voter. She pinned my ‘you voted’ stick on after I completed my ballot.”

But Kaine said that he really couldn’t be disappointed at voting second at the poll instead of first, especially with such a worthy woman serving as number one.

“I wanted to be first at my polling place, but 99-year-old Minerva Turpin beat me to it. Looks like I need to get used to being number two!”

It’s that humility and overall likability that will make Kaine a pretty good Vice President.