Though the DNC and die-hard Clinton supporters have scrambled to find a way to not blame their candidate for her loss to Donald Trump, it’s time that they reflect and realize that the nomination of Hillary Clinton, despite her qualifications, was a grave mistake.

Though they may blame Sanders supporters, third-party voters, or the Republican party, the truth is that in a time of great turmoil, when most of the nation was shouting against corruption, career politicians, and the establishment, the DNC wholeheartedly backed a candidate who ticked every. single. box.

Hillary Clinton was not a Disney villain, but she was the single worst candidate to fight against the single worst Republican candidate. Anyone could have defeated Trump – even Martin O’Malley would have swept the floor with him. Instead, the Democrats put forth the only candidate whose closet full of skeletons was as mansion-sized as Trump’s.

Now that it’s over, some will say that there is no use throwing around blame. That we should all come together and sing Simon and Garfunkel. But we know that we have a long four years ahead of us.

If we ever hope to restore the Democratic party’s reputation or bring together progressives in an organized, effective way, we have got to begin placing blame where it belongs and purging those from the party who enabled this terrible choice.

We know that the primary was rigged – we know that the DNC leadership wanted Clinton. They got her, and we lost it all.

Watch our commentary on how the Democrats need to clean house: