A tea party leftover, State Senator Konni Burton has filed a bill which, if passed, would require that schools notify parents of children who express any sexuality other than heterosexuality.

Burton’s law, Senate Bill 242, would require that schools make these admissions to parents any time a child comes forward with issues of their sexuality. Burton claims that this law is rational because parents are entitled to all records “relating to the child’s general physical, psychological, or emotional well-being.”

Of course what Burton hasn’t considered – or just doesn’t care about – is that forcing a school to “out” an LGBTQ teen to their parents can be a disastrous, and even fatal, action.

Unfortunately, Texas, like most other states, do not currently have laws on the books protecting ones’ sexuality from discrimination. Though you cannot discriminate based on age, gender, or race, you can openly discriminate against LGBTQ individuals.

LGBTQ teens are already at a disproportionate risk of suicide, as well as violence from others. By forcing schools to disclose information to parents that the children may not want them to know, the school system is taking on a massive risk of being culpable for the harm or death of that individual.

When living in a world that still accepts conversion camps and other forceful, brainwashing methods to suppress legitimate sexuality, it is irresponsible and downright dangerous to forcibly out anyone.

Of course, we can only expect more of these horrific bills in the coming years as those who have itched to restrict the rights of the “other” for decades finally feel emboldened to do so thanks to President Trump. We must remain vigilant and make it clear to our elected officials that we are awake, and we won’t stand for the restriction of rights of minority groups of any kind.