During an epic interview between The Blaze’s Tomi Lahren and The Daily Show‘s Trevor Noah, the queen of Facebook rants was made to realize that now that her candidate has won, her brand of alt-news is now the mainstream.

On Wednesday evening, Lahren appeared on “The Daily Show” to defend her show’s tone and the controversial comments she has made that skyrocketed her from a little-known commentator to the dominant media figure on Facebook today.

You may recognize her face and her harsh tone from your racist uncle’s news feed where she said that Black Lives Matter was the new KKK, or when she condemned black musical artist Beyonce for offering a Malcolm X tribute during the superbowl, or when she ripped Colin Kaepernick to shreds for daring to kneel during the national anthem.

Her success is simple: she is an attractive young woman saying the things you’d expect to hear from a 60-something man. She makes conservatives feel good about their backwards views because a young pretty woman like herself is saying them – and she sounds so damn angry!

The snow-white commentator has been completely unafraid to attack notable black voices repeatedly and strongly, and for that behavior, she has been labeled racist more than once.

Lahren denies that label and in fact during the interview said that she isn’t racist because she doesn’t use racial slurs and in fact doesn’t even see color – how nice! Of course, “I don’t see color,” is the calling card for racist ignorance, and Noah treated it with the disdain that wishy-washy statement deserved.

The most entertaining moment was in the middle of the interview when Noah pointed out that though Lahren prides herself for her alternative style of reaching her audience through Facebook and a small, independent team, she is now, in every sense of the word, mainstream.
