Using the medium he knows Trump pays the most attention to, filmmaker and activist Michael Moore appeared on a late-night TV show to try and appeal to Donald Trump to give the position he is in more attention.

Moore, who has been a major opponent of Trump in the past, appeared to change tack on Wednesday when he tried to appeal to the man’s better sense for the good of the country.

Appearing on Seth Meyer’s “Late Night,” Moore directly addressed Trump to beg him to simply attend his daily security briefings.

“You have to pay attention, you have to attend these briefings. This is our country, this is our security, this is our safety. You’re horsing around with all this nonsense, and you’re not doing your No. 1 job. And the No. 1 job of the president is to make sure the country is safe.”

And Moore’s motivation is serious: Since Trump’s win in November, he has failed to take a majority of the daily security briefings that the President-elect and president are meant to take in order to be most informed about up-to-the-minute world affairs.

Reports say that Vice President-elect Mike Pence has been taking the briefings, but to have the incoming president ignoring the most vital information daily is incredibly irresponsible.

Moore’s warning is not without reason. As he noted in his “Late Night” appearance, much of George W. Bush’s failings as a president involved his own lack of knowledge of vital subjects like the goings-ons of Osama Bin Laudin.

Unless we want similar negligence in the White House once again, we hope that Trump will take Moore’s advice and buckle down. He won’t, but we hope.
