Donald Trump may have said once upon a time that he doesn’t plan to take a salary as president (a lie that has become truth to his supporters), but if the who’s who of politics want to attend the racist demagogue’s New Year’s Eve bash, they’ll have to pay him the equivalent of one year of a president’s salary each.

Like so many other issues coming our way in these next four years, the sale of tickets to a party with a president-elect is a complicated political issue.

Rather than paying to party with real-estate mogul Trump, political strategists and lobbyists are investing in garnering favor and the ear of the future President of the United States.

And yet, Trump no doubt views each and every ticket sold as a tribute to his vanity rather than a not-so-subtle attempt at buying his favor.

And for the millions who backed Trump – how do you explain the fact that your “man of the people” is charging more than you may make in a lifetime to attend one pithy party with him?

Still think he’s just being a smart businessman?

Either way, this is the trash we can expect to face these next several years if Trump does not sever his business ties.

Mar-a-Lago is raking in all of this cash from Trump’s planned party, and because President-elect Trump still owns Mar-a-Lago and all of his other properties, that is cash headed straight for his pocket.

So please, do not ever buy into the completely useless political point Trump makes when he argues he won’t be taking a presidential salary. $400,000 is pennies to him – it’s less than he would pay to attend a ritzy party at a cheap golden club.