During a CNN Town Hall event held on Monday, Senator Bernie Sanders responded once more to a question about his possible future presidential ambitions, saying that he would not rule out a 2020 run.

This is not the first time that Sanders has been asked about the far future when he might defeat Trump soundly and take back Democracy, and it likely won’t be the last.

While Sanders would prefer we all just stop asking him about 2020, it seems important to ones progressive spirit to be reminded every now and again that we do have hope on the distant horizon, no matter how dark things are now.

As usual, Sanders demurred, clearly not ruling out a 2020 run. But he also said what he has said many times before: there is much work to be done before such a far goal is considered.

Said Sanders: “It is much too early to be talking about that.”

Sanders then continued to answer by urging the Democratic party and the nation as a whole to continue advocating for the progressive issues on which he ran his campaign.

“What we have got to worry about is how we deal with the issues that impact us today,” he said. “One of the reasons that we had success in our campaign― we also surprised a lot of people ― is that we talked about issues that people believed in.”

While it seems wholly preposterous to be thinking about who will be the next president when the most recent winner hasn’t even been sworn in, it appears to be merely a coping mechanism for so many in this nation who cannot fathom what the next four year will be like.

Hopefully, we will have Sanders fighting on our behalf for those next four years, and when 2020 comes, we will see what comes with it.
