Author: Abby Martin

The Birth of Chavismo & Its Fight to Survive in Venezuela – Abby Martin’s Empire Files

More threats against the Maduro government from Trump at the United Nations follows nearly 20 years of the US Empire’s insistence that the popular Bolivarian movement should have no voice. Abby Martin sits down with Professor Chris Gilbert in Caracas, Venezuela, to learn about the rise of the Chavez movement, its role in society and the threats it faces from the US-backed opposition. Gilbert is a historian and professor of political science at the Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela. His articles on the struggle in Venezuela appear on and...

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The Birth of Chavismo & Its Fight to Survive in Venezuela – Empire Files

More threats against the Maduro government from Trump at the United Nations follows nearly 20 years of the US Empire’s insistence that the popular Bolivarian movement should have no voice. Abby Martin sits down with Professor Chris Gilbert in Caracas, Venezuela, to learn about the rise of the Chavez movement, its role in society and the threats it faces from the US-backed opposition. Gilbert is a historian and professor of political science at the Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela. His articles on the struggle in Venezuela appear on and...

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Empire Files: From 1776 to Trump – White Mobs, Racist Heroes & Hidden History

Trump hit his lowest moment when he blamed “both sides” for the murder of anti-racist protester Heather Heyer in Charlottesville. But understanding how a neo-Nazi sympathizer got into the White House requires breaking apart the myth underneath it all, the glorified story of the creation of the United States in 1776. Dr. Gerald Horne is the Chair of History and African American Studies at the University of Houston and is the author of over 20 books on slavery and the Black liberation movement; most recently “The Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States”. Abby...

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Venezuela’s Constituent Assembly: Dictatorship or Democracy? – Empire Files

U.S. politicians, press and opposition in Venezuela called the process a “coup” and further proof they need foreign regime-change intervention. Abby Martin addresses the criticisms with Head of the Presidential Commission to oversee the Constituent Assembly process, Elias Jaua, speaks to supporters and participants of the Assembly, interviews historian Chris Gilbert and explains what is at stake in Venezuela if the social programs instated under Chavez are terminated by the...

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Venezuela’s Defense Minister Responds To Criticisms & Trump Threats – The Empire Files

Use of force by Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Guard has become a regular sight in corporate media, and those actions are used by foreign powers as justification for intervention. With very real possibilities of another US-backed coup, Abby Martin interviews the head of Venezuela’s Armed Forces and Minister of Defense, General Padrino López. They discuss the National Guard’s control of food and medicine, condemnations over use of force, and the threat of US military...

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