Author: Anne Schultz

Affluenza Teen Still Hiding In Mexico May Face Adult Charges

After his capture in Puerta Vallarto, Mexico, it seemed that the infamous “affluenza” teen would finally have to own up to his actions and pay the price, but Ethan Couch proved he isn’t done trying to dodge the law and find an easy way out. Prosecutors are fighting to try the eighteen year old in adult court, and have the support of 43,000 signatures collected by Mothers Against Drunk Driving, but the juvenile court judge deferred a ruling on the motion to transfer the case to adult court when Couch’s attorney whined that his parents were not sufficiently notified...

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Palin Blames Her Son’s Domestic Violence On Obama

During an appearance by Sarah Palin at a Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the politician addressed her son Track’s recent domestic violence charges, and attempted to connect his arrest to President Obama and his alleged neglect of veterans. Track, who served in Iraq, was arrested this week in Wasilla, Alaska on charges of domestic abuse following an altercation with his girlfriend. She reportedly told police that Track physically assaulted her and threatened to kill himself with an AR-15 rifle. Following reports regarding her son’s arrest, Palin brought up what she deemed “the elephant in the room,” telling the crowd...

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Regressive Arkansas Abortion Ban Struck Down by SCOTUS

With even a name to inflame, the Human Heartbeat Protection Act was passed by the state of Arkansas in February of 2013, outlawing abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy if a heartbeat could be detected. At the time, the ban was the most restrictive abortion law in the country. Since Planned Parenthood v. Casey made fetal viability, or the ability of a the fetus to survive outside the womb, the dictating limitation on the time limit for abortions, the right to terminate a pregnancy before the point of viability has been considered constitutionally granted. However, considering that a fetus is...

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Minnesota Cop Tells Drivers to Mow Down Black Lives Matter Protesters

In a disgraceful display, a Minnesota police officer proved exactly why the Black Lives Matter movement matters when he allegedly urged drivers to run down BLM protesters who were marching on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. While the St. Paul Police Department will not confirm that the Facebook comment detailing how to get away with mowing down non-violent protesters and added by user “J.M. Roth” was uploaded by a member of the SPPD, Sgt. Jeffrey M. Rothecker was identified by community activist Andrew Henderson, and the officer has since been put on leave. “I was just flabbergasted,” said Henderson. “A...

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The Awful Epidemic of On-Duty Cops Who Rape Women

In recent years, the widespread issue of sexual harassment, assault, and abuse on women by on-duty cops has come to light, but even after departments were forced to admit the validity of this epidemic, the problem persists. After Daniel Holtzclaw, a former Oklahoma City police officer, was convicted on 18 counts of sexual assault, an AP investigation was published identifying 1,000 cases spanning six years in which officers lost their badges for on-duty sexual misconduct. An investigation published the same month and conducted and reported by Buffalo News reported 105 “new and credible” cases that year alone. The pervasiveness of the...

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