Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: GOP’s War On Voters Hasn’t Ended (VIDEO)

Progressives, civil liberties groups, and journalists did a great job this year shining a spotlight on the GOP’s efforts to disenfranchise millions of voters so they could steal the election. The same thing happened in 2008, but since Obama won in 2008, Democrats acted like the problem was no big deal, and moved on. If they do the same thing this year, the GOP will be able to steal elections for a generation. Progressives have to continue to highlight the Republican voter suppression scams, because they aren’t going to go away, and Mike Papantonio recently spoke with journalist...

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Papantonio: GOP Leadership Crisis Destroying The Party (VIDEO)

The Republican Party is falling apart – there’s no other way to say it. Right now there is a fight taking place within the party between the Koch Brothers and their Tea Party, against the old guard leaders like Steve Schmidt and Grover Norquist. Intelligent Republicans understand that their party has completely gotten away from them because of the far right push that the billionaire inheritance babies have given the GOP, and they understand that it was that push that caused them to lose this year’s election. Mike Papantonio talks about the GOP’s civil war with Gaius Publius, a...

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Papantonio: Deadly Chemicals Hiding in Our Waters (VIDEO)

More than 30 years ago, the government banned the production and use of chemicals known as PCBs because they were causing serious illnesses in both humans and our environment. And even though PCBs have been off the market for 3 decades, they are still hanging out in waterways, in the air we breathe, and in our soil – causing cancers and other illnesses in people all over America. But recently, state governments decided that it was time to finally take action on the issue, and Mike Papantonio recently spoke with Spokane Riverkeeper Bart Mihailovich about what is being done...

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