Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: Texas Schools Ban Critical Thinking (VIDEO)

If you saw an article on the Internet telling you that schools in Texas were trying to ban the teaching of critical thinking, you’d probably think it was an article written by The Onion. But the sad and scary truth is that Republicans in Texas are actually writing laws that would ban school teachers from teaching their students how to look at facts, analyze data, and form conclusions based on observations. Essentially – they are trying to prevent children from developing critical thinking skills. Mike Papantonio talks about the dark ages mentality of Texas Republicans with Danny Weil, an...

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Papantonio: Obama – Reward Your Base and Prosper (VIDEO)

Over the course of the next few months, GOP leadership will be meeting in secret, in an attempt to make sense of the obvious: The not-so-Grand, very Old Tea Party Republicans will be meeting to try to understand what anyone who believes in equality for classes, gender, and race has already known for decades. Republican Party leadership will gather in old world-style conference rooms, sipping Champaign and puffing on big cigars, scratching their heads while they attempt to figure out why their billionaire mad money was not able to buy our democracy. You can expect some billionaire Republican donor...

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Papantonio: GOP Won’t Abandon Voter Suppression Tactics (VIDEO)

When you look at the areas of the country that experienced the most severe voting problems, you’ll start to see a pattern developing – you’ll find that the problems were emerging in lower income, minority-heavy, democratic precincts across the country. This wasn’t a coincidence; this was exactly what the GOP had been planning for the last two years. They created confusion, chaos, and frustration for voters as they were forced to wait in line for 6 or 7 hours just to be able to cast a vote. Mike Papantonio talks about the GOP’s efforts to make voting a hassle...

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