Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: Deadbeats Always Afraid of the IRS

Fail to get health insurance, fail to get your tax refund. Sounds like a good way to mandate that everyone has health coverage. This isn’t unlike states that mandate drivers get auto insurance before issuing a license – it helps protect everyone. But of course, the GOP is against any idea that contains the word “taxes.” Mike Papantonio appears on Fox News’ Bulls and Bears to tell us why this is a great...

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Papantonio: VAT Tax Could Save America

Will a national sales tax help reduce the deficit? Obviously, that answer is “yes,” and in spite of all of their whining about rising deficits, the GOP just can’t bring itself to the realization that without tax revenue, the government will always be broke. Mike Papantonio appears on Fox News’ Bulls and Bears to give us the truth about taxes and...

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Papantonio: Steele Faces the Reality of Racism

It was like a breath of fresh air to see Whitehouse Press Secretary Robert Gibbs show his edgy side this week. He told RNC Chairman Michael Steele that the ugly problems the Republicans face have nothing to do with the “race card” and everything to do with “their credit card.” Gibbs slammed RNC leadership with that comment after Steele pleaded for a new, special affirmative protection for his job. Steele for the first time in decades acknowledged that he was a black man living in a Republican white guys’ world. And Republicans were victimizing...

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Papantonio: China And The Golden Rule

Is China intentionally de-valuing their currency to make their exports more competitive in the U.S.? The short answer is “yes,” but the reasoning behind it might prove that this is a necessary evil. After the GOP squandered the surplus they were left in 2000, China stepped in and purchased close to $800 billion worth of the United States’ debt. Because of this, they have unprecedented power over the U.S. economy. Mike Papantonio appears on Fox Business’s Happy Hour to explain why we might have to suck it up and just deal with the issue or face even worse...

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The GOP’s Dirty War

The Republicans in Washington, D.C. today are by far the most obstructionist minority party in history. They’ve broken records on using filibusters, they’ve unanimously opposed numerous bills, and they refuse to compromise on almost all issues. In spite of this, the President continues to try to extend the olive branch to these people who are actively working to make his presidency a complete failure. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. talks about the GOP’s goal of complete Democratic failure, and why they need this to happen before November, with Rolling Stone political correspondent Tim Dickinson. Subscribe to the Ring of Fire...

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