Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio Slams A Neo-Nut

Corporations are trying to claim that the healthcare bill will cost them millions of dollars and the GOP is right behind them beating the deficit drum. Mike Papantonio appears on CNBC’s Power Lunch to give America the truth and to expose some Republican...

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Papantonio and Senator Cantwell on the Environment

One of the biggest criticisms the right wing consistently delivers when talking about climate change is that it is going to cost us too much money to fix the problem. But according to some of the brightest minds in the world, reducing our carbon footprints and fighting climate change will not only help the environment, but it would drastically improve our economy by creating new jobs, reducing the need for medical care, and creating new tax revenue. These are just a few of the things that the CLEAR Act is attempting to accomplish, and Mike Papantonio recently spoke to...

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Pap on O’Reilly: Palin Panders to Hate

Sarah Palin recently unveiled her “Target Map” for vulnerable Democrats in this year’s midterm elections. The only problem is that she told her followers to “reload” and “take aim” at these folks. With public anger reaching all-time highs, and violence against members of Congress being threatened on a daily basis, her language could be taken literally by her less-than-bright followers. Mike Papantonio appears on Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor (with guest host Laura Ingraham) to talk about how Sarah Palin is throwing fuel on the flames of hate in America...

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Papantonio Explodes on MSNBC

As soon as Congress passed the Healthcare Bill, every member of the GOP went certifiably insane. That insanity has led to increasing amounts of hate, as Congressmen are now being flooded with death threats, and the looney moonbats on the Right are growing more and more angry. Mike Papantonio of Ring of Fire appears on MSNBC opposite conservative radio host Jerry Doyle to debate the cause of this...

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