Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: The Beck “Hate Train” Crashes

Glenn Beck had his crazy train running wide open a week ago when he again urged Christians to abandon their churches and follow him. Beck usually dresses up for his audience in costumes ranging from Bavarian Border Guard uniforms to Lederhosen. I expected him to deliver his “leave Christianity” message dressed in black. It played well with Beck listeners when he told them that Jesus did not believe in touchy-feely ideas of social justice. Beck’s message is that as Christians, we should abandon our commitment to shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, and heal the sick. I’m certain Beck...

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RFK, Jr. and Dr. Boyd Haley Discuss Autism News

Dr. Boyd Haley from the University of Kentucky talks with Ring of Fire’s Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. about some of the recent developments in the medical community that our Ring of Fire listeners need to know about, including a possible bribery scandal at the Center for Disease Control. Subscribe to the Ring of Fire podcast for the full...

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Papantonio: The “I Hate Everything” Crowd

The “Sovereign Citizens” movement has been below the radar since their poster boy ideologue, Terry Nichols, helped murder 168 men, women, and children in an Oklahoma government building. Terry was one of those “anti” types who hated government, taxes and regulations. When “anti-everything” oddballs fly their suicide planes into tax offices, that emboldens the next “anti” nut to grab his rifle and kill people at the Pentagon and that in turn emboldens the other loonies to grasp onto the philosophies of groups like “Sovereign...

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