Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: Whine Republicans, Whine

With the healthcare debate winding down, and Democrats in a position to pass a bill within the next week or so, the GOP has resorted to the last trick left in their playbook – Whining. Knowing that they are outnumbered on every front, Republicans are taking to the airwaves to try and stop healthcare reform from taking place. Mike Papantonio appears on Fox Business’s Happy Hour to talk about why this tactic isn’t going to work for the...

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Papantonio: Healthcare, Republicans Lose the Fight

The Healthcare debate is heating up as lawmakers are attempting to bring it to a close. Republicans are crying about the tactics the Democrats are considering, while the Democrats are justifying it by bringing up the fact that the GOP operated the same way for six straight years. Mike Papantonio appears on MSNBC to talk about the...

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RFK, Jr. and Sheldon Whitehouse Talk Job Creation

While the GOP is trying to hang the current economic disaster on President Obama, its important to remember that it was President Bush who put us on this path. He squandered the surplus, bankrupted our government, and allowed Wall Street to rule unchecked. As a result, Obama is having to work around the clock to fix the mess that he inherited. One of the biggest messes that he’s trying to clean up is the unemployment rate in this country, which is now hovering around 10%. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. discusses this issue with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, who is working...

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Matt Taibbi on Wall Street’s Bailout Hustle

When executives on Wall Street announced that they would be paying themselves $140 billion dollars in bonuses last year in spite of being on government welfare, there was barely a whimper of outrage coming from the American public. After all, this is the kind of behavior that we’ve come to expect from the corrupt, greed-driven industry that sank our economy. But if their bonuses weren’t enough to get your blood boiling, than how about the fact that some of the largest financial institutions in America swindled the government like a common street hustler, and left the American taxpayers footing...

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Papantonio: Market Rally Won’t Last

One year ago, the stock market hit rock bottom. Today the system looks to be setting itself up for yet another crash. Mike Papantonio appears on Fox Business’s Bulls and Bears to talk about why the system hasn’t really been fixed yet, so any rallies we see are completely...

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