Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: Romney’s Offshore Tax Shell Games (VIDEO)

As the presidential race begins to head towards the finish line, we’ve seen a lot less coverage of the fact that Mitt Romney is, for lack of a better phrase, a tax cheat. He’s hiding money all over the world so that he won’t have to pay taxes in the United States. Mike Papantonio talks about where Mitt is hiding his money, and why it should concern every American voter, with Rolling Stone contributor Tim Dickinson. Mitt Romney’s Tax...

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Papantonio: Romney Begs Corporate America To Control Worker Voting Habits (VIDEO)

Mitt Romney has already extracted a lot of support from corporate America, but recently, it came to the public’s attention that he’s asked for yet another favor – he wants employers to tell their employees to vote Republican. Mike Papantonio talks about Mitt’s plea with his super-wealthy corporate donors with Josh Eidelson, a reporter for Salon and In These...

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Papantonio: GOP Perverts Want Control Over Your Sex Life (VIDEO)

Polls over the last few weeks are showing that Mitt Romney has somehow managed to close an 18-point gap among women voters against President Obama. But the numbers haven’t changed the fact that a Romney presidency would be a disaster for women in America – and for proof, just look at what the Republican-controlled states have done to the rights of women. Mike Papantonio recently spoke with Nancy L. Cohen, author of the book Delirium, about how bad things could be for women if the GOP re-takes the White House this year. Part 1 Part...

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Papantonio: The Billionaire Takeover Of The GOP (VIDEO)

The entire GOP has been taken over by billionaire inheritance babies who have created an unholy alliance between the Tea Party, and the 1% wealth class. Even people like Grover Norquist have become to weak for the new, extreme Teabag GOP, as the Koch Brothers have pushed what’s left of the GOP as far to the right as possible. Mike Papantonio talks about how the wealth class gained complete control over the Republican base with Gaius Publius, a contributing writer at America Blog. cause and effects essay Norquist on Romney: “Pick a Republican with enough working digits” to sign...

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Papantonio: Why Romney Is Running From His Bain Record (VIDEO)

Mitt Romney has spent a lot of time trying to run away from his record at Bain Capital, and that’s probably a wise move for him. It seems like every week there’s a new story about corruption, incompetence, or greed that shows us the real character of Mitt Romney. And recently, stories have emerged telling us how Bain Capital has been hustling the healthcare industry, driving up costs for everyone in America, and Mike Papantonio recently spoke with radio host and writer Richard Eskow about the latest horror stories from Bain Capital. what is cause and effect essay

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