Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: Romney is a Foreign Policy Disaster (VIDEO)

Mike Papantonio talks about how Mitt Romney's pitiful performance in the foreign policy debate, and why it should scare American voters. LBJ was criticized by the Republicans for his nuclear holocaust commercial where a child was in the foreground of a camera shot playing with a flower.  The scene then cuts to the background of a mushroom cloud expanding across the screen where a nuclear bomb was exploding in the background of the shot.  The spot became known as the Daisy Ad. Johnson was in a presidential race with Barry Goldwater who was a true war hawk – the...

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Papantonio: GOP Adopts Firm Anti-Worker Agenda (VIDEO)

At the Republican National Convention recently, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker received a heroes’ welcome as he stepped on stage. Walker’s anti-union, anti-worker agenda in Wisconsin has been a test for the Party, and with Walker barely holding onto his office earlier this year, they consider it proof that the country is actually in favor of the extreme views of people like Scott Walker. And that’s why the Republican Party adopted Walker’s agenda as part of their official party platform, which would be a disaster for the country. Mike Papantonio talks about this with investigative journalist Josh Eidelson. cause effect...

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Papantonio: Romney Presidency Could Spark Social Upheaval (VIDEO)

Economic indicators tell us that America is already on the brink of a complete social revolt, due in part to the mistreatment of America’s working class. As the haves take more, and the have nots are left with less and less, the environment is becoming ripe for revolt. Mike Papantonio talks about how a Mitt Romney presidency would only make things worse for American workers. Most people have never heard of Peter Turchin and his study of what he calls Cliodynamics.  The key to his science is mathematics and statistics.  Turchin focuses on predictions of what happens within a...

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Papantonio: Obama Could Decimate Romney With Sensata (VIDEO)

In the second presidential debate, Mitt Romney told America that he would be tougher on China than President Obama. But what most Americans didn’t know was that Romney’s company Bain Capital was planning on closing down an American plant the day before this year’s election, and that they were shipping those high-tech, well-paying jobs over to China. Mike Papantonio talks about this with Joshua Holland, a senior writer and editor at...

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Papantonio: Foreign Money Buying U.S. Election (VIDEO)

News stories over the last year talking about campaign spending have been dominated by the talk of Super PACs. But that’s only half the story. What the Citizens United court decision really did was to allow unfettered corporate money to influence our election process. And it isn’t just American firms getting in on the action – the US Chamber of Commerce, the oil industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and a host of others are all finance by overseas, foreign, corporate money, and they are all spending big time to influence this year’s presidential election. Mike Papantonio talks about what this...

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