Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: How Romney Out-Crazied The Crazy Right

During the primaries, Mitt Romney had to out-crazy the crazy candidates like Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich. He did this by shifting his positions further and further to the right, which could have destroyed his chances for winning this election. Mike Papantonio talks about Mitt‚s electability problem with Paul Waldman, a contributing editor for The American Prospect.

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Papantonio: Romney Pities Himself For Being White

Nobody plays the pity card better than Mitt Romney. He recently told a crowd of supporters that his life would have been a lot easier if he were Latino, because then he could get all sorts of government handouts. I guess for Mitt, being worth a quarter of a billion dollars, being white, being born into a life of privilege just isn‚t enough. Mike Papantonio talks about Mitt‚s sympathy card, and why it shows his complete disdain for all non-white Americans with Adele Stan, Washington correspondent for Alternet. 5 Ways ‘I Wish I Was Mexican’ Mitt Reveals Contempt for...

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Papantonio: Democrats Need To Abandon The South

Mike Papantonio talks about how the Democratic Party needs to stop wasting their time attempting to sway the conservative red state south, and focus their energy in areas where they can actually make a difference. private haftpflichtversicherung vergleich

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