Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: It’s Time To Prosecute Wall Street Criminals (VIDEO)

If a person in the US were to walk into a bank and demand the teller hand over all the cash in the place, he’d be in handcuffs before he could even make it to the door. But when the bank owner does the same thing, we help them out by giving them billions of dollars in bailout money. That scenario is what happened when bankers on Wall Street crashed our economy, and billions by pushing us into economic collapse. And no one has gone to jail. Mike Papantonio talks about why we’re so afraid to put bankers in...

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Papantonio: Papa Clinton Still Delivering Sound Advice (VIDEO)

Bill Clinton is hoping to rally House Democrats to stand up for the American people by remaining strong on the issue of gun control. Mike Papantonio joins Ed Schultz on MSNBC’s The Ed Show, along with Nation Magazine Washington correspondent John Nichols and Goldie Taylor from The Goldie Taylor Project, to talk about the need for Democrats to remain tough against the...

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Papantonio: Drones – Coming To A Backyard Near You (VIDEO)

The use of military drones overseas has received a lot of attention in the progressive media over the last year, but everyone has missed the fact that private corporations are beginning to sell and use drones here in America. Whether it is to provide surveillance along our borders, or keep an eye on activist groups, drones are becoming a cash cow for the arms industry, and the same companies who profited from our invasion of Iraq are now cashing in on the drone boom. Mike Papantonio discusses the domestic drone complex with author, pundit, and progressive icon Jim...

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