Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: Bankers Pose Massive Threat to American Democracy

When Jefferson told us that the banking institutions would be “more dangerous than standing armies,” he had no way of foreseeing the TARP treachery that bankers have pulled off with $800 billion of taxpayers’ money. But in 2008, Obama saw the beginning of that treachery when he watched America’s most powerful bankers grovel like pathetic paupers begging for handouts. They had been piggish, incompetent, sociopathic failures, and they needed welfare tax money. httpv://

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Papantonio: One Trick Republican Ponies Gin Up The Hate

When they get backed into a corner like they are now on policy, the Republican Party always turns to what they know best – Hate. In recent weeks, leaders within the Republican Party like Karl Rove, the Koch Brothers, and the entire on-air staff of Fox News have been ginning up hatred against Obama, against Democrats, against people on welfare, women, college students, immigrants – hate is everywhere in their minds. Mike Papantonio talks about the Republican hate machine with Alternet’s Washington correspondent, Adele Stan. Right-Wing Plan for Defeating Obama: Gin Up the...

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Papantonio: Confederacy of Dunces Alive in the South

One of the favorite lines of the Teabag Republican Party is their claim that President Obama is either un-American, or that he doesn’t love America. And this isn’t just an empty talking point – in large areas of the country, particularly down south, hardcore conservatives honestly believe that President Obama doesn’t love this country because he isn’t from the South. So as a country, would we be better off if the south finally seceded once and for all? Mike Papantonio seeks to answer that question with Chuck Thompson, author of the new book “Better Off Without...

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