Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: Who Are The Climate Criminals?

You don’t have to be an environmentalist or a scientist to be concerned about what’s happening to our planet when it comes to climate change. The evidence is all around us, and as a whole, we’re doing almost nothing to stop the coming catastrophes. And it’s because of a few wealthy, powerful, corporate elites that the United States has almost completely stalled all action to help combat global climate change, and Mike Papantonio recently spoke with Gaius Publius from America Blog about the corporate CEOs who are helping our planet burn to the...

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Papantonio: Pennsylvania’s Effort To Block The Vote

Recently, a Pennsylvania court heard a challenge to the state’s restrictive voter ID law – a law that if left in place, could easily prevent tens of thousands of LEGAL voters from ever making it to the polls. And this isn’t happening by coincidence. Pennsylvania is a very important swing state that Mitt Romney needs in order to win the presidency this year. Mike Papantonio talks about Pennsylvania’s efforts to keep voters away from the polls with author and Nation contributing writer Ari...

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Papantonio: The Endless Supply of Right Wing Hate

President Obama has been the source of countless conspiracy theories since before he ever stepped foot into the oval office. Whether it was his alleged friendship with Reverend Wright, those death panels Sarah Palin warned us all about, the FEMA concentration camps for Republicans, the birth certificate – the list is endless with examples. And all of these conspiracies theories take a toll on American voters, but they also underscore the hatred that the right wing tea partiers have towards Obama. Mike Papantonio talks about how these theories affect the president and voters with Mark Potok, a senior fellow...

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Papantonio: Welcome To The Era of Super PACs

Unlike previous presidential elections, this year’s election isn’t only about which candidate has the most money in their war chests. This year it’s all about which candidate has the most Super PACs pouring money into advertising on their behalf. And so far, these massive PACs have poured tens of millions of dollars to get their guy elected. Mike Papantonio talks about how money will be the determining factor in this year’s election with Andy Kroll, correspondent for Mother Jones...

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