Author: Damian Hendricks

The Bain Connection to Death Squads

A new report out this week details the deadly care being given at numerous different clinics owned by Bain Capital – clinics that still provide a financial benefit to GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Mike Papantonio appears on The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann to talk about Romney’s dirty finances. buy cigarettes

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Papantonio: US Chamber Faces Heat For Political Spending

The Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United allowed for seemingly endless corporate money to sway our election process. But what it didn’t allow was for tax exempt, so-called non-partisan groups to get involved in political activities. But that’s exactly what some of these organizations, like the US Chamber of Commerce, have been doing over the years. Luckily, we have people like New York state attorney general Eric Schneiderman in office, and Mike Papantonio recently spoke with Mother Jones reporter Andy Kroll about what Schneiderman is doing to help stop the Chamber from destroying our democracy.

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Papantonio: Repeal Citizens’ United To Save Democracy

Recently, in areas across the country, rallies were held to support resolutions to overturn the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizen United case – a case that has allowed billions of dollars of corporate money to dominate our election process and buy our democracy. Mike Papantonio talks about these campaigns to overturn Citizens United with Mark Hays, the coordinator of the Democracy is for People Campaign....

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