Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: Antonin Scalia Suffers From Character Leprosy

I read the dissent opinion of Antonin Scalia in the Arizona immigration case that was decided this week, and it helped me round out my mental picture of what Scalia has become. Without bogging down in all the details of what he said, the big picture is that Scalia has nothing but contempt for virtually everyone who is different than him. Everyone who speaks a different language, follows a different religion, and has skin that is a different color, everyone who has not been born into his anointed social class. Antonin Scalia is a sorry, hateful, morally crippled old...

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Papantonio: The Decline of the American City

Loki Films has a new film out called “Detropia”, which tells the story of what has happened both economically and socially to the city of Detroit, and why the success or failure of this town could determine the success or failure of the rest of the United States, and Mike Papantonio recently spoke with both Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing about their new film....

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Papantonio: Fighting The Right Wing Voter Suppression Tricks

The GOP came up with a plan shortly after the 2008 elections – they figured out that if they could just keep 1% of voters from reaching the polls in just nine states in 2012, then they could take back the White House. And they’re doing everything they can to make that a reality. Florida governor Rick Scott is already locked in a legal battle over voter purging with the Justice Department, and numerous states across the country are working on other efforts to prevent minorities, the elderly, and college students from reaching the polls this November. But there...

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Papantonio: How Wall Street Drives Gas Prices Upwards

In the last few weeks, gas prices have been slowly falling, but most Americans are still feeling pain at the pump. Republican talking heads would have you believe that this pain is the result of President Obama’s so-called hostility towards oil companies, but the truth is that the bankers and speculators on Wall Street are the heart of the problem. Oil speculators are able to make a quick buck on oil futures, and this helps drive the cost up for all of us. Mike Papantonio discusses the role that speculators play in raising our gas prices, as well as...

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