Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: How The Wisconsin Uprising Was Hijacked

Last week, Scott Walker managed to retain his office as governor of Wisconsin, in spite of the fact that he’s one of the most disliked governors in the country. After 18 months of protests, rallies, and outside help, unions and other activists were unsuccessful in their efforts to oust Walker and his Republican cronies. And although Walker’s friends helped him win by pouring tens of millions of dollars into the race, that wasn’t the only deciding factor – Another factor that has gone overlooked is that the activists who started the recall drive and protests allowed their movement to...

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Papantonio: The Tyranny of Oil

The oil industry is, without a doubt, one of the most powerful industries on the entire planet. Their yearly profits exceed that of most small countries, and combined, the five biggest oil companies control more than $100 billion dollars worth of the United States economy every year. On top of those profits, these companies are also enjoying government tax breaks and subsidies that, combined, top $40 billion every year. And they’re using that money to buy politicians, political favors, and lobbyists to make sure that the government will never be able to regulate their industry to help consumers. Mike...

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Papantonio: Oil Industry Owns Us

If you were to take 90 of the countries around the world according to GDP ranking and compare the entire economies of those countries against simply the pure profits of Exxon, Exxon would be more economically powerful and profitable than every one of those 90 countries. Where does sales analysis of $30 billion a year leave a company like Exxon – or Shell, or BP, or Chevron? It leaves them in control of our...

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Papantonio: The Student Loan Scam Industry

With college tuition rates soaring, and student loan interest rates set to rise in the coming months, the burden of student loan debt is becoming a serious problem for college graduates. To make matters worse, the lending industry is filled with more scammers and predators than we can count. Recently, lawsuits were filed against several lending institutions that have been accused of fraud for their student loan lending practices, and Mike Papantonio discusses these suits with attorney Jim Magazine who is handling some of those cases on behalf of borrowers. Student Loan...

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