Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: Debt Ceiling Deal Could Be Disastrous For Social Security (VIDEO)

As soon as the fiscal cliff crisis was averted, a new crisis popped up in Washington – the battle over raising the debt ceiling. But one important item from these budget battles has been under-reported, and that is the proposed 3% cut to Social Security. Worse yet, Democrats have given the appearance of being willing to go along with the cut for the social safety net program. Mike Papantonio talks about the planned cut with economist and author Dean Baker. how to get your ex girlfriend back Read The Full Article Here: The 3 Percent Cut to Social Security:...

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Papantonio: The Looming Democratic Divide (VIDEO)

The Republican Party is searching for a new identity after getting thoroughly beat down in last year’s election – but this creates a problem for the Democratic Party. Do they move to the left to reflect the views of their base, or do they stay in the center in an attempt to attract defecting Republicans? Mike Papantonio seeks to answer that question with Maggie Haberman, senior political reporter for Politico. buy research papers online Read the Full Article Here: Up next for Obama: A looming Democratic divide...

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Papantonio: How The Gun Industry Sells Mass Shootings (VIDEO)

The NRA and the gun industry appear to up against the ropes in the wake of the mass shootings and other instances of gun violence that took place in 2012. But the truth it, the industry has never been better. Every time a mass shooting occurs, sales for the gun industry skyrocket, giving them little reason to denounce such atrocious events. Mike Papantonio talks about this with William Rivers Pitt, a staff reporter and columnist for custom essay Read The Full Article Here: Selling The Shooting...

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