Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: A Spooky Journey Into The Republican Brain

Over the years we’ve received countless calls and emails from listeners asking us how to deal with Republicans who refuse to accept facts and embrace reality. Unfortunately, there really isn’t a way to do that. Studies have proven that conservatives will actively seek out media outlets and relationships that foster the beliefs that they already hold, and will prevent any new information that doesn’t fit into their belief system from making it into their heads. Mike Papantonio talks about the odd ways in which the minds of a conservative function with Chris Mooney, author of the new book “The...

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Papantonio & Ed Schultz Talk News of the Day

Mike Papantonio and Ed Schultz discuss how the Republican leadership has now been given to Republican Super PAC billionaires, who are allowed to do whatever they want with the campaign. Also discussed in this segment is the John Edwards trial, and Mitt Romney’s history at Bain Ca Beat Your Chest pital. Beat Your...

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Papantonio: Republicans The Losers In War On Terror

If you’ve been listening to Republican talking heads in the last few weeks, you’d think that President Obama has been one of the worst presidents when it comes to foreign policy and keeping America safe. But that couldn’t be any further from the truth. Obama, unlike Bush before him, has taken a hard line stance against terrorist organizations, and has captured or killed more than 30 top Al Qaeda leaders, including Osama Bin Laden. Right now we’re going to take a deeper look into what’s happened to Al Qaeda since the death of Bin Laden – joining Mike Papantonio...

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