Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: Corporate Pigs and Politicians

Listen carefully to the latest Mitt Romney speech, the latest talking points from Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, John Boehner, and you will hear them telling you that more corporate freedom to do whatever the Hell they want is good for America – good for capitalism – Why would they still be trying to sell those disastrous ideas? Well, it’s because most Americans still don’t understand why they lost their homes, why they lost their jobs, why they are no longer members of America’s so-called middle class – Most Americans whose lives are in shambles have never stopped to figure...

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Papantonio: Fear Rules Republican Minds

When you drill down to the center of what most motivates a traditional conservative, you will find that they are terrified by the idea of changing the way they view the world. It is a mentality that prevented 13th century Europeans from sailing ships too far in any one direction. They were fearful of sailing off the edge of a flat earth. The idea of a flat earth was the only way they could see it. Once they overcame their fear and made it to North America, the conservative American Tories were too terrified to declare independence from Great...

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