Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: How Republicans Romanticize War

For 8 straight years, we heard conservative politicians and pundits telling us that we needed to be at war in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, and that anyone who didn’t support the wars was unpatriotic. Bush, Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld were all beating the drums of war within days of the 9/11 attacks; attacks that they failed to prevent, even though they had the intelligence, and they then proceeded to get us bogged down into two unwinnable wars with no clear goals. After the failures of the war hawk policies of Bush, why are conservatives still following the same...

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Papantonio: Republicans Stuck With Romney – Now What?

Santorum is out; Gingrich is gone; and Ron Paul can’t shake the image that the general public holds of him – which is the creepy old uncle that doesn’t quite know what’s happening in the world around him. This means that Mitt Romney is a lock to be the Republican nominee for president. And while the GOP might be happy that their long primary season is finally coming to an end, the American public is less than enthusiastic about Mitt Romney. Mike Papantonio talks about what’s in store now that Romney is the GOP’s guy with syndicated columnist Karl...

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Papantonio: JOBS Act Paves Way For Massive Corporate Fraud

Recently, President Obama signed the abomination of a bill known as the JOBS Act into law. The Act is supposed to help small business owners have access to capital to expand or start their businesses and stimulate the economy. But, thanks to Republican meddling, almost all oversight and regulatory statutes were removed from the Act before it was signed into law, leaving the door wide open for financial fraud. Mike Papantonio talks about what we might expect as a result of this JOBS Act with attorney James Kauffman who specializes in financial fraud...

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