Author: Damian Hendricks

Sam Seder: How Corporate America Turned Their Backs on Limbaugh

It’s been a bad year for Rush Limbaugh, with more than 140 companies pulling their ads from his radio show. Stations across the country have been left with no option to either run dead air during commercial breaks, or to run free public service announcements in place of paid advertisements. And it looks like things are going to continue going south for Limbaugh in the coming weeks as things heat up. Sam Seder talks about how corporate America has completely turned their back on the hate talker with Eric Boehlert, a senior fellow with Media Matters for...

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Sam Seder: New Life For News Corp Hacking Scandal Investigation

Rupert Murdoch has had a really bad week, to say the least. After declaring that this week would be the start of a new era for his company News International, his company was hit with new allegations relating to the phone hacking scandal that rocked his media empire last year. A re-energized investigation taking place in the UK is working overtime to figure out how the Murdoch’s news outlets developed such cozy relationships with police officers, and how much the company was paying police for insider information. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Murdoch’s son James stepped down as...

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Papantonio: The Billionaire GOP Puppeteers

The Republican primary season has seen some pretty intense ups and downs for all of the candidates. At some point throughout the last year, almost every individual candidate has appeared to be a shoe-in for the nomination, only to see their leads erased after a few weeks. What’s causing this constant flux? The answer is simple – Money. Billionaires like Foster Freiss and Sheldon Adelson, and even the Koch Brothers keep doubling down their dollars on their candidate du jour, which results in the wild swings in popularity. And at the end of the day, these billionaires will have...

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Papantonio: Who’s REALLY To Blame For High Gas Prices?

One of the biggest concerns on the minds of American voters this year is the price of gas. And if you listen to Republican politicians and talking heads, you probably believe that President Obama is the sole responsible party when it comes to their pain at the pump. But just like most Republican talking points, the “blame Obama” claim has absolutely no basis in reality. Mike Papantonio talks about who is really to blame about the price of gas, and why the GOP’s talking points keep falling flat, with Alternet senior editor Josh...

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