Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: ALEC Scoundrels Exposed

Mike Papantonio appears on MSNBC’s The Ed Show to talk about the corporations that are saying goodbye to ALEC. The controversy surrounding the secretive business group goes far beyond their support of “Stand Your Ground” legislation....

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Papantonio: Gulf Coast Still Suffering From Deepwater Horizon Disaster

It’s been almost two full years since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster, where the negligence of companies like BP, Halliburton, and Transocean cost 12 men their lives, and destroyed an entire ecosystem. To this day, areas along the Gulf Coast are still trying to recover from the oil spill as tar balls roll up on our shores. But the Deepwater Horizon wasn’t the first atrocity attributed to BP, and if history is any indication, it won’t be the last. Mike Papantonio talks about the sordid history of BP, as well as the latest developments with the Deepwater Horizon...

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Papantonio: Racism Rampant in Federal Judiciary

A few weeks ago, a thoughtless judge sent out an email forward of a joke – with the punchline being that President Obama’s mother had sex with a dog. In true Rush Limbaugh style, the judge claimed that the media was overreacting because, after all, it was just a harmless joke. But the truth is that racism has found a home in our court system among some members of the judiciary, and this racist email was just the latest in a long line of race-based attacks. Mike Papantonio talks about some of the other instances of intolerance from the...

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