Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: Tea Party Purge Would Save Republican Party (VIDEO)

Thanks to the invasive species known as the Tea Party, the modern GOP has been pushed to the farthest fringe of American politics. The question now is whether the party can purge the Tea Baggers and move back to the center, or if they’ll continue to shift further to the fringe right until they disappear completely. Mike Papantonio answers that question with Paul Waldman, contributing editor of the American Prospect. Can the Republican Party Move Back to the...

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Papantonio: Wall Street Pushing Us Over “Fiscal Cliff” (VIDEO)

In the last century, a shift has taken place in the American economy. In the past, policies and change were produced from the bottom to the top, with workers taking the lead in forcing corporate America to be more honest and more fair. But in this last century all of that changed, as the wealthy 1% of this country became entwined with both political parties, which allowed them to cut worker protections, destroy unions, and reduce wages to the point that full time workers still can’t break out of poverty. But we can change all of this if we...

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Papantonio: Mainstream Media Fails Again In 2012 (VIDEO)

If there’s one thing we learned from this year’s election its that traditional media consistently gets the story wrong. Whether it was their polling, their choice of stories, or their research methods – they continued to get it wrong. Mike Papantonio discusses the biggest failures of the media in this year’s coverage with Dan Froomkin, contributing editor of Nieman...

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Papantonio: Merck Emails Show Company’s Indifference Towards Injured Consumers (VIDEO)

When you watch the ads that big pharma runs on television, they give us the impression that they genuinely care about the well-being of consumers. But behind closed doors, they let their true opinions come out, and these are less than flattering. The latest example comes from Pharmaceutical giant Merck, who we found out recently was actually mocking victims who had been injured by their products in internal emails. Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio talks about this with Martha Rosenberg, author of the new book “Born With a Junk Food Deficiency.” Big Pharma Company Mocked Patients Who Got “Jawbone...

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