Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: Tea Party Parasites Taking Down GOP (VIDEO)

By Mike Papantonio December 11th, 2012 Kudzu is strangling native plants and trees all over parts of the south. In some places, its destroying vibrant forests that have flourished for hundreds of years. It’s a disgusting parasitic plant that devours damn near everything in its path. It provides virtually nothing positive or good in the communities where it is sucking the life out of entire local ecosystems. These days when I drive by a stand of trees that is slowly being strangled by Kudzu, the scene always looks like a metaphor for the way the GOP is being hopelessly,...

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Papantonio: How Wall Street Sabotages Economic Growth (VIDEO)

Talk of the Fiscal Cliff has been dominating the airwaves for the last weeks, with Republicans hoping to cut social programs, and Democrats attempting to roll back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. But beyond the partisan bickering lies the real problem facing our economy – Wall Street greed, and Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio spoke with author Les Leopold recently about how unmitigated Wall Street greed has helped push Americans over the fiscal cliff. 8 Reasons Wall Street Greed Is the Cause, and the Solution, To Phony Fiscal Cliff...

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Papantonio: Republican Lawmakers Sacrifice The Poor For The Wealthy (VIDEO)

The Republicans in Washington have a plan that they say can help keep America from going over the fiscal cliff that they created – They tell us that by cutting social programs, we can balance the budget and all live happily ever after. So what’s going to happen when millions of Americans lose their insurance, their pensions, their Medicare, and their Social Security? Let’s find out from Mike Papantonio and author Cliff...

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Papantonio: Cut The Tea Party Cancer Out of USA (VIDEO)

Secession petitions have now been filed in every single state in America, but only a few states have managed to get enough petitions to actually warrant a response from the White House. Leading the pack is the state of Texas, where even Republican governor Rick Perry has tossed out the idea of leaving the union. But when you really think about it, the United States might actually be better off without states like Texas and Alabama and Mississippi dragging us down to their level, and Mike Papantonio spoke with investigative journalist Rick Outzen recently about whether or not we...

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