Author: Damian Hendricks

Papantonio: Sign The Petition to REQUIRE Texas To Secede (VIDEO)

By Mike Papantonio December 4th, 2012 7pm It’s tough to shame or embarrass a Texas Tea Party Republican about how dull-witted they sound when they talk about something as idiotic as secession. After all, one of the people who led the discussion years ago in Texas was none other than their goofy Gov. Rick Perry – Most things in politics really do flow from the top. So the latest development has been reasonably educated, rational opinion leaders at Texas Newspapers, some TV stations apologizing for their tea bagger Texans suggesting that Golly, it was only a small handful of...

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Papantonio: Grover Norquist Driving GOP Over “Fiscal Cliff” (VIDEO)

The traditional media keeps telling us that America is headed over the fiscal cliff if Democrats and Republicans can’t work out a budget deal. The truth is much more complex than that – and the American economy isn’t going to be destroyed. But when you drill down to the heart of the fight, it leads right back to the Republicans’ pledge to keep taxes low for millionaires and billionaires. And the biggest push for tax cuts is coming from GOP operative Grover Norquist. But Norquist’s days might be numbered, as Republicans are beginning to turn their back on him,...

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