Author: Ed Schultz

Corporations ‘throwing a hissy fit’ over NAFTA changes – analyst – News with Ed

New NAFTA rules seek to eliminate incentives to outsourcing jobs and freeing member-countries to set their own policies on trade. Canada’s chief NAFTA negotiator told the US not to push too hard in renegotiating the agreement, likening Canada to “the girl next door” and easily taken for granted. Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, joins “News with Ed” to offer her...

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Trump ‘systematically undermining healthcare for poor sick people’ – Dem superdelegate – News with Ed

President Donald Trump spoke on healthcare reform today, calling Obamacare “a wreck, a mess [that’s] destroying lives,” but remained vague about specific policy goals. There is no official repeal of the Affordable Care Act under consideration for now, although his executive orders remain. Former congressman Alan Grayson (D-Florida) joins “News with Ed” to argue that we can expect to see “fake accomplishments” throughout the administration and that all Trump has done is taken billions of dollars away from the sick and the...

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Trumpian civics: ‘The Senate better get it done’ – News with Ed

President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell gave a joint press conference today, publicly signaling that they’re “closer than ever before” and “totally together on this agenda to move America forward.” Trump spoke optimistically about their plans for healthcare reform and doubled down on his criticism of the NFL’s “Take a Knee” movement. Ted Harvey of the Committee to Defend the President and talk-show host Rob Taub join “News with Ed” to weigh in on the show of Republican unity and the likely success, or lack thereof, of the Trump...

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