Author: Ed Schultz

America’s first female presidential candidate of a major party a win for women – Ed Schultz

Hillary Clinton made a clear statement that she is the nominee for the Democratic Party after her win in California. During the rally, Clinton made the case that as a female nominee for a major political party, the night was truly historic. For more on this, Marcy Stech, communications director for Emily’s List, joins ‘News With...

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What Is The Next Step For Bernie Sanders? – Ed Schultz

The mainstream media expected Bernie Sanders to change his tone after the results from California rolled in. Yet, in the fashion of the popular hashtag #StillSanders, the self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist addressed his rally with the same mission and same game plan he has maintained during the rest of his candidacy. For more on this, and the upcoming meeting between Sanders and President Obama, ‘News With Ed’ is joined by Brent Budowsky, columnist at The Hill newspaper and Ian Walters, Communications Director for the Conservative...

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U.N. fails to credit Russian Air Force in report on progress against ISIS – Ed Schultz

Russia has barely tried to stop ISIS?! That’s according to a new report released by the United Nations on the progress made in the fight against Islamic State which failed to highlight any groups’ effort besides the US-led coalition. RT America’s Alexey Yaroshevsky takes an in-depth look at accomplishments of the Syrian Army and Russian Air Force in the fight against the terror group, the most striking of which was the liberation of the ancient city of...

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Fake Republican Outrage Over Trump’s Racism Is Fooling Absolutely NO ONE – Ed Schultz

US Speaker of the House Paul Ryan condemned Donald Trump’s recent comments about a federal judges’ heritage, but said that he is still supporting the presumptive Republican nominee. Trump released a statement saying his comments about the judge were “misconstrued” by the media. conservative talk show host Heidi Harris and Farron Cousins, co-host of ‘Ring of Fire’ join ‘News with Ed’ to discuss whether Republican’s will stand by Trump even after his latest controversial...

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Will Hillary Be Able to Win Over Bernie’s Supporters? – Ed Schultz

Hillary Clinton’s supporters are convinced there is no way that superdelegates will change their allegiance from Clinton to Sanders at the Democratic National Convention. Even if Hillary does lockup the nomination at the convention, she will likely need Sanders’ supporters to vote for her if she wants to win the general election. To discuss AP’s declaration of Clinton’s victory and how she can win over Bernie supporters, US Representative Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) and President of the National Organization for Women, Terry O’Neill join ‘News with...

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