Author: Ed Schultz

Clinton’s State Department Sold Weapons to Saudis While they Donated to Husband’s Foundation – Ed Schultz

The Clinton Foundation has received donations amounting to anywhere from $250 and less to upwards of $25 million dollars in the past. But who has that money come from? Governments and heads of state with longstanding human rights abuses have been givers, but also receivers; all this at a time when Hillary Clinton sat at the head of the US State Department and conducted arms deals with those nations. RT America’s Manila Chan has the...

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Poll: Clinton and Sanders neck-and-neck in California – Ed Schultz

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are in a tight race for California with momentum going Sanders’ way. Clinton’s lead over Sanders in the Golden State is within the margin of error. National Surrogate for Bernie Sanders Nina Turner joins ‘News with Ed’ and says that if her candidate can win California, some superdelegates may change their allegiances from...

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OPEC Games: What High Volume Oil Production Means for World Economy – Ed Schultz

The world oil market is flooded and OPEC wants to keep it that way. OPEC members say they are going to continue their high rates of oil production through the summer, in a likely attempt to drive weaker oil producers out of business. To discuss what the OPEC decision means for consumers, former Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Commissioner Bart Chilton joins ‘News with...

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