Author: Ed Schultz

California governor puts Bill Clinton dispute behind, endorses Hillary – Ed Schultz

The next big prize in the Democratic primary is California. While polls may put the candidates neck-and-neck, Hillary Clinton received an endorsement from California Governor Jerry Brown, which shocked many in light of a high-profile dispute between the governor and former President Bill Clinton in 1992, when Brown accused Bill of funneling money into Hillary’s law firm for state business. For more on the heated California match-up, ‘News With Ed’ is joined by Dotty Lemieux, an elected Bernie Sanders delegate, and Ernie White, a political analyst and conservative...

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Will the Clinton Email Scandal Propel Bernie to the Nomination? – Ed Schultz

Hillary Clinton violated federal records rules by never obtaining permission to conduct official business on private email server during her tenure as secretary state, a State Department audit concluded. RT America’s Manila Chan brings the latest. Then, Bernie Sanders’ campaign manager Jeff Weaver joins ‘News With Ed’ to discuss how the developments may impact the...

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Wasserman Schultz faces mounting problems as Sanders supporters rally behind primary opponent – Ed Schultz

The troubles faced by Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz continue to mount. Bernie Sanders threw his full support behind her primary challenger Tim Canova, who has racked up over $300,000 since Sanders’ endorsement. For more on the Florida primary, former Florida Democratic Party Chair Mitch Caesar joins ‘News With...

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Complete 180: Clinton Worked with Over a Dozen Govt Agencies to Sell Fracking – Ed Schultz

Climate change has been a major focus of the Bernie Sanders campaign, and a major point of contention between him and his opponent Hillary Clinton has been fracking. Though Clinton is a vocal opponent of fracking in her 2016 presidential campaign, newly leaked emails reveal that she tried to export the practice to other countries during her time as secretary of state. For more on this, Farron Cousins, co-host of Ring of Fire Radio and Editor of Trial Lawyer Magazine joins ‘News With...

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Obama Hypes TPP in Vietnam, Lifts Embargo on Lethal Weapons Trade – Ed Schultz

The US has decided to “completely lift” its embargo on a trade in lethal arms with the Southeast Asian country of Vietnam, President Tran Dai Quang has said. While visiting the country, US President Barack Obama said that he’s still “confident” the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal will earn the support of Congress, even though the ratification of the controversial deal stalled in the US. Critics accuse Obama of arms peddling for a trade deal. For more on this, Director of Global Trade Watch Lori Wallach joins ‘News With...

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