Author: Ed Schultz

U.S.-Cuban relations: On the up-and-up or is more work necessary? – Ed Schultz

President Barack Obama is in Cuba, where he pledged to improve relations with Havana. However, there is still much to be done. Cuban President Raul Castro called out the US for its human rights violations and demanded the closure of the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay. Is he asking too much? RT America’s Ed Schultz is joined by William LeoGrand, a professor of government at American...

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‘What we’ve done in Iraq certainly hasn’t worked’ – former US senator – Ed Schultz

It’s been 13 years since the US began its war in Iraq, which continues to drain America of resources and manpower. With everything we know today, the Iraq War is considered to be one of the United States’ biggest foreign policy failures ever. Even before the war began, 23 senators were opposed to it. RT America’s Ed Schultz is joined by one of them, former Senator Kent Conrad...

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Pharma companies use TPP to extend their monopolies – Ed Schultz

Brand-name prescription drug prices have doubled in the last five years, according to a new report. Now some public health groups and organizations say things could get worse, if the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal delays the introduction of generic drugs. RT America’s Ed Schultz speaks with Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, about how the new deal could lead to even higher costs of...

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