Author: Ed Schultz

Why Does CNN Use a Right Wing Moderator During GOP Debates? – Ed Schultz Show

During Tuesday night’s debate on CNN, Right Wing talker Hugh Hewitt was part of the moderating team and asked Donald Trump whether he was ready to rule out a third party run. When Trump said he had no plans to run as a third party candidate, Hewitt himself burst out into applause. Ed gives commentary on how there is no liberal counter to this on the so called unbiased news network. – Ed Schultz...

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Ed Schultz Talks Republican Foreign Policy, GOP Debate, and Bernie Sanders’ New Endorsement

Ed gives commentary on CNN’s use of a right wing radio hack as a moderator for their Republican presidential debates. We are joined by MSNBC Military Analyst Col. Jack Jacobs – Retired, to discuss the Republican fear-mongering over foreign policy. Larry Cohen, former President of the Communications Workers of America, joins Ed to discuss the CWA’s endorsement of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ bid for the White House. Ed and Con. Tim Ryan, D-OH, discuss the spending deal going through Congress and how it gets rid of Country of Origin Labeling. – Ed Schultz...

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