Author: Farron Cousins

Even Fox News Has Grown Tired Of Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ Lying

On Sunday, Fox News guest Dr. Jeanine Downie told the Fox audience that Sarah Huckabee Sanders should be ashamed of herself for the ease in which she lies to the public, especially for someone who claims to be an evangelical Christian. If Huckabee Sanders has lost the people on Fox News, then she’s lost the whole country, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains. Transcript: This past weekend, the LA Times gave what might possibly be one of the laziest analyses available of Sarah Huckabee Sanders job as a White House press secretary. Rather than attack her for her...

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13 Trump Allies, Donors, And Cabinet Members BUSTED In Massive Document Leak

13 million documents have been leaked for the world to see, and they appear to implicate no fewer than 13 different Donald Trump allies, campaign donors, and even some members of his cabinet in potential criminal activity. This news comes at a horrible time for the Trump administration as they are already preparing for a new round of indictments from Robert Mueller, and as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains, this document dump might be the final nail in the coffin of Trump’s version of the GOP. Transcript: On Sunday evening of this past weekend, a new article came...

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Report Suggests Trump Jr Attempted To Bribe Russian Lawyer For Dirt On Hillary

A major bombshell has dropped in the ongoing Trump-Russia saga, this time involving Trump Jr.’s June 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer who has ties to the Kremlin. According to a recent interview with that lawyer, she says that Trump Jr. offered to re-examine several anti-Russian laws if they would hand over information about Hillary Clinton’s campaign. This is bribery and collusion all in one, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains. Transcript: On June 9, 2016, Donald Trump Jr met with Russian attorney, Natalia Veselnitskaya, in a meeting that has become one of the central focuses of the...

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SNL Again Roasts Sarah Huckabee Sanders For Her Nonstop Lies

Saturday Night Live once again went after White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her apparent inability to tell the truth to reporters, this time intersplicing her press conference with “Huckabee Sanders” performing Demi Lovato’s “Confident.” The skit poked fun at the really, really bad week that the Trump administration suffered, and their version of Huckabee Sanders handled the reporters in a nearly identical fashion to the real version. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. See the full skit here: Press Conference – SNL Saturday Night Live this past weekend once again decided to poke some fun...

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The Trump Administration Is Absolutely Imploding

Kushner, Spicer, Priebus, Manafort, Gates, Scaramucci, Kelly, Ivanka, Huckabee Sanders, Flynn, DeVos, Tillerson – Every one of these members of the Trump administration has either been roasted by the country for being embroiled in scandals or for being some of the most incompetent human beings to ever serve in the White House. The Trump administration hasn’t even been in power for a year and they are absolutely imploding before our eyes, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains. Transcription: To say that the Trump Administration had a really bad week would probably be the understatement of the year. Not...

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