Author: Farron Cousins

Ivanka Trump Says Sexual Harassment Can’t Be Tolerated, Never Once Mentions Her Father’s Behavior

During a trip to Tokyo on Friday morning, Ivanka Trump gave a speech about the threat of sexual harassment where she explained that is simply cannot be tolerated. Her statement is absolutely true, but it begs the question as to why she will not stand up and condone her father’s behavior and defend the women who are trying to expose his sexual predator-like behavior. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription: On Friday morning, Ivanka Trump was in Tokyo, Japan where she gave a speech to a mostly empty room about the problems of sexual harassment. She said,...

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North Korea Says Trump Is “Incurably Mentally Deranged” And Should Be Medicated

It usually isn’t a good idea to put too much stock into the rantings of a brutal dictator, but the words being used by leaders in North Korea about the President of the United States cannot be ignored. Recently, news outlets in North Korea (which are run by the state) said that Trump clearly has a mental derangement and should be medicated. This analysis is actually pretty close to what other mental health experts have to say about Trump, but these are also the kinds of statements that could lead our unstable president to do something horrible to the...

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Trump’s Lawyers Say Smearing Sexual Assault Accusers Is “Protected Speech” Under 1st Amendment

Lawyers for Donald Trump are still trying to get sexual assault charges against the President dropped, and they’re doing everything they can to smear the victims in this case. Their latest attempt to undermine the allegations has been to argue before a judge that the President is allowed to call these women “liars” because that kind of speech is protected under the 1st Amendment. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription: Recently, and for very good reason, there’s been a lot of talk in the United States about sexual assault and sexual harassment, with Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey,...

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Donald And Ivanka’s Brands Are TANKING Due To His Pathetic Presidency

If Donald Trump thought that becoming president would put even more money in his pockets then he may need to start paying attention to his businesses. According to a new consumer poll, both Ivanka Trump and Donald’s Trump Hotel brands have seen a dramatic drop in consumer confidence and trust, with both falling into the bottom 10 out of 1,600 brands. This is bad news for the Trump family but it shows that consumers might be paying attention to what matters. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains. Transcription: Donald Trump became president because he thought it was going to...

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Pat Robertson Says Trump Should Pardon Everyone Then Fire Special Prosecutor

Televangelist and all-around religious nut Pat Robertson said on Monday that Donald Trump needed to simply pardon everyone involved in the ongoing investigations and then he should fire special prosecutor Robert Mueller to end the investigations for good. What happened to the “justice” that the Bible teaches? What happened to punishing the wicked? Apparently Pat Robertson forgot that the evil get what they deserve, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins. Transcription: Pat Robertson, the evangelical nut job on the right, the guy who says that hurricanes are caused by gay people, they’re sent by God as his punishment because...

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