Author: Farron Cousins

Trump’s Chief Of Staff Says Civil War Could Have Been Avoided If Both Sides “Compromised”

John Kelly, Donald Trump’s chief of staff and the alleged “voice of reason” in the Trump administration, told Laura Ingraham on Fox News that the entire Civil War could have been avoided if both sides had just learned to compromise with one another. Not only does Kelly clearly not understand American history, but he’s downplaying the racism that was happening in the American South at the time of the Civil War – a streak of racism that is prevalent in today’s Republican Party. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains. Transcription: There are some people in this country that do...

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Trump Voters Won’t Support Impeachment Even If Collusion Is Proven

According to a new poll from Public Policy Polling, Donald Trump’s supporters will virtually never support his impeachment, even if it is proven that he committed treason by colluding with a foreign power to win the 2016 election. If an act of treason won’t sway these voters to stop supporting Trump could anything ever convince them? Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription: According to a new poll by the group Public Policy Polling that was released on Halloween day of this week, 49% of American citizens actually support impeaching Donald Trump at this point of his presidency....

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Trump Makes His Priorities Clear To Fox News, Says He’s “The Only One That Matters”

During a recent interview on Fox News, Donald Trump responded to a question about his lack of a full cabinet by saying that he is the only one in the administration that matters. This wasn’t just a statement about his administration – that’s a statement on how the man has lived his entire life. He is a selfish jackass and nothing will ever change that. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains. Transcription: On Thursday evening, an interview that Donald Trump gave with new FOX News host, Laura Ingram, he explained exactly why it doesn’t matter that he hasn’t filled...

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Donald Trump Won’t Stop Tweeting Slurs At Elizabeth Warren

If you need any further evidence that Donald Trump is unfit to be President, take a look at his constant use of racial slurs against Senator Elizabeth Warren. On Friday morning, Trump once again referred to Warren as “Pocahontas”, a reference to her Native American heritage. The term may seem innocuous enough, but it is in fact meant in a racist way. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription: Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump is not a racist human being is an absolute idiot. Sorry to be so blunt with that but that’s pretty much the way...

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Jared Kushner Likely To Be The Next Trump Team Member To Be Indicted

According to reports, Robert Mueller’s investigation is closing in on Jared Kushner for his role in firing former FBI director James Comey. If true, Kushner could be looking at very serious obstruction of justice charges, but any charges brought against Trump’s son-in-law would likely be brought in an attempt to get him to roll on other members of the Trump family, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains. Transcription: It’s looking more and more likely that the very next indictment coming down from Bob Mueller, the special prosecutor looking into the Trump campaign and Trump administration, that next indictment...

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