Author: Farron Cousins

HUGE: Donna Brazile Confirms DNC Helped Hillary Rig The 2016 Primaries

An explosive new expose in Politico by Donna Brazile reveals how the DNC did, in fact, help rig the primary system in order to make sure that Hillary Clinton won the nomination. Brazile served as interim DNC Chair after Debbie Wasserman Schultz was ousted, and Brazile has finally revealed exactly how the DNC let Hillary take over to squash the candidacy of Bernie Sanders. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcripts: At the beginning of Monday, it was looking like this was probably going to be the worst possible week imaginable for Donald Trump and the Republican Party,...

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Psychological Study Reveals What We Already Knew: Trump Is Really, Really Dumb

A new psychological analysis of Donald Trump’s words and actions can provide some comfort to those of us who have questioned Trump’s intelligence from the start. According to the research, Trump is a very “low analytical thinker”, which is a fancy way of saying that the man is not very smart. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription: An amazing new psychological study of the actions and words of Donald Trump has revealed something that most of us in this country already realized, and that is Donald Trump is really not a smart or intelligent human being by...

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Papa Johns CEO Says Kneeling NFL Players, Not His Horrible Pizza, Are Causing His Sales To Drop

John Schnatter, the CEO of Papa Johns who appears in nearly all of his chain’s TV commercials, is blaming a massive drop in his company’s revenue on kneeling NFL players. Papa Johns is a big sponsor of the NFL, but it seems highly unlikely that a few men protesting police brutality could torpedo an entire pizza chain. Perhaps “Papa John” should look at his business practices before blaming others, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains. Transcription: You may not know the name John Schnatter, but you probably do know him as Papa John, the CEO of Papa John’s...

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Jeff Sessions Almost Definitely Perjured Himself And Should Be Removed From Office

Part of the George Papadopoulos plea deal includes a passage about a meeting from March 2016 when Papadopoulos suggested meeting with the Russians. Jeff Sessions was present at the meeting and shut that idea down, but during his Senate confirmation to become Attorney General, he claimed that he had no knowledge of anyone in the Trump campaign ever meeting with or even suggesting meeting with the Russians. This is a massive problem for Mr. Sessions and will likely end up with him being removed from office, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains. Transcription: Earlier this year during Jeff...

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Donald Trump Blames Son-In-Law Jared Kushner For Mueller Investigation

Reports are everywhere saying that Donald Trump is apoplectic about the indictments that were handed down on Monday, and those closest to him say that he’s beginning to turn on his allies in the White House. His latest target is Jared Kushner. A new report by Vanity Fair says that Trump is putting all the blame for the investigations squarely on the shoulders of his son-in-law, and Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains why this is actually great news for Kushner. Transcript: Donald Trump has been fuming for the last few days, ever since the indictments by Bob Mueller...

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