Author: Gary Bentley

Popular Diabetes Medication Linked to Kidney Failure – America’s Lawyer

Via America’s Lawyer: According to latest data from the Centers for Disease Control, more than 29-million Americans suffer from diabetes, and nearly one of four people with the disease aren’t even aware that they have it. Even worse, as many as 86-million Americans currently suffer from pre-diabetes, and if preemptive measures aren’t taken they too will be diagnosed with full blown diabetes in a matter of years. With so many people suffering from both type one and type two diabetes, Big Pharma saw an opportunity to make a huge profit. In the rush to cash in on the diabetic...

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Trump’s Voter Fraud Witch Hunt Will Be A Disaster For Democratic Voters

Ever since the 2000 election recount, the issue of voter suppression and voter purges has been a concern for the Democratic Party – but only when it is convenient.  The Democrats have had 17 years to deal with issue or to make some kind of progress on it and they have failed.  And now we’re facing one of the largest potential voter purges of our lifetimes because the Democrats sat on the sidelines and ignored all the warning signs. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.   Transcript: By now, I’m sure everybody is familiar with the fact that...

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Pharmageddon — RULE ONE: Invent A Disease – America’s Lawyer

Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio talks to attorney, Stephen Sheller, about his new book Pharmageddon, which outlines some of the biggest lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies he has been involved with over the years. Transcript of the above video: Mike: My next guest has been involved in some of the biggest legal cases of the last few decades, everything from the butterfly ballet lawsuit, the Bush v Gore case, to the big tobacco fraud cases of the 90s. But his biggest success no doubt is recovering more than $6.4 billion from the pharmaceutical industry for deceptive marketing tactics and failing...

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Sean Spicer Out As Press Secretary, If He Can Find A Replacement

Sean Spicer will be out as White House press secretary as soon as he can find his replacement, according to reports.  That’s no small task, as even Sarah Huckabee Sanders has said that she won’t take that job.  Once a replacement is found, Spicer will still work in the communications department, he just won’t give the daily briefings. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. ...

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Sean Spicer Says Trump Never Said He Would Testify Under Oath. He Said It 4 Days Ago.

During Monday’s press briefing, Sean Spicer claimed that Donald Trump never said that he would “100 percent” testify against what James Comey had to say during his Senate testimony.  The only problem for Spicer is that Trump had publicly made those claims during a press conference just 3 days earlier.  There are videos.  Transcripts.  Eyewitnesses.  Spicer is doomed. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses...

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