Author: Gary Bentley

Pap and Seder: Time To Act On Climate Change (VIDEO)

This segment originally aired on the October 13th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. The UN just released the 5th IPCC report, and they’ve made it clear that human beings are burning down the planet.  It’s time for the government to act. Ring of Fire hosts Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder discuss the report, and what needs to be done about...

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Papantonio: Ogilvy Endorses BP Criminals (VIDEO)

Over the years we’ve talked a lot about the dirty dealings of corporate America — from the lies of the tobacco and drug industries that cost American lives, all the way to the BP Gulf of Mexico oil disaster.  But behind every one of these atrocities was a slick, corporate PR firm that actively tried to convince the public that the companies in these cases were actually the good guys. Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio talks about how PR firms try to manipulate public opinion with Brian Young, the managing director of the Corporate Action...

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Papantonio: Wall Street’s Legal Loophole (VIDEO)

This segment originally aired on the October 6th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. The list of crimes being committed by some of America’s biggest banks is almost endless, but the Supreme Court has made it harder and harder for consumers to take these criminals to court. Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio discusses this with attorney Peter...

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Papantonio: Republicans Attack “Useless Eaters” (VIDEO)

A few weeks ago, Republicans in the House voted to cut the national food stamp program by $40 billion dollars.  This was just the latest move by a political party that has shown nothing but contempt and utter disgust for needy Americans.  But at the same time, they want to continue giving tax breaks and special favors to the wealthiest Americans. Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio talks about this with blogger and author Chauncey...

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