Author: Gary Bentley

Papantonio: Tax Dollars Spent To Perpetuate Poverty (VIDEO)

This segment originally aired on the October 6th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. The government pays out billions of dollars every year in federal contracts for things like building roads, bridges, and sewer systems – but the executives in charge of these contracts are using our tax money to pay their employees poverty wages. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio discusses this with attorneys Howard Nations and Kerry...

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Pap and RFK, Jr.: Living In The Age Of Mass Surveillance (VIDEO)

This segment originally aired on the October 6th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. This summer we learned that the NSA has been spying on US citizens without their knowledge – but that’s only half the story.  The FBI has been doing this for decades. Ring of Fire hosts Mike Papantonio and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. discuss the FBI’s domestic surveillance...

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Papantonio: Mass Shooting Enablers Facing Legal Action (VIDEO)

This segment originally aired on the October 6th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. There are a lot of questions that remain to be answered about the recent Navy Yard shootings, like how a mentally unstable man was able to purchase a firearm.  These questions could likely be answered in a slew of upcoming lawsuits. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio speaks with attorney David Haynes about...

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Supreme Court Takes Aim At Class Actions (VIDEO)

This segment originally aired on the September 29th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. Our corporate-controlled Supreme Court has given big business a lot of victories in recent years, but there’s still one prize waiting to be awarded by the Court — and that is the complete dismantling of class action lawsuits. Ring of Fire guest host Farron Cousins talks about how big business and courts are trying to take away class actions with attorney Matthew...

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Papantonio: Crazy Is Good For Tea Party Circus (VIDEO)

  It’s hard to imagine that even the delusional, disconnected Teabag Republicans don’t care that 73% of the American public thinks they are deranged dopes. But there is a reason they don’t care.  The only voters they are trying to appeal to are the Teabag boneheads in their mostly southern states who sent them to Congress in the first place. That’s why the GOP worked so hard to gerrymander red states in a way that the most cuckoo part of America’s population would always be willing to send their Teabag dope Congressman back to Washington, no matter how pathetically...

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