Author: Gary Bentley

Papantonio: Obama’s Choice — Peace or Violence (VIDEO)

This week, President Obama spoke in Washington on behalf of the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington, which saw Martin Luther King, Jr. deliver an emotionally charged speech that centered on non-violence. That same week, discussion of a possible war with Syria began to erupt. Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio and GRITtv’s Laura Flanders discuss how President Obama is simultaneously dictating two messages of peace and...

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Papantonio: Political Poison From The Pulpit (VIDEO)

  The Freedom from Religion Foundation has taken up the challenge on evangelical groups to push back on the ugly mixture of religion attaching itself to Neo-nut politics. For years now, the craziest of the religious fringe has been daring the IRS to test their 501(c)3 tax exemption status. Preachers have been standing in front of pulpits endorsing candidates, handing out political leaflets, and holding pro-Republican rallies.  Parts of the religious political right have chosen to flaunt the fact that they are abusing their 501(c)3 rights, and the IRS has chosen to let them get away with it. This...

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Papantonio: Gimme Shelter From A Syrian War (VIDEO)

  Somewhere between a paltry 5 and 10 percent of the American public believe it is a good idea for the US to lead an invasion in Syria.  Those numbers seem to be consistent across party lines.  And since it’s incredibly rare to see a war that most Republicans don’t support, it’s an interesting development. Obama should pay attention.  It’s not that most Americans don’t understand the caliber of rank evil that characterizes the Middle East Hitler known as Assad.  Any one of the poll respondents who say that an invasion is a bad idea – I’m sure would...

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Papantonio: Green Jobs – Where Have They Gone? (VIDEO)

The Obama administration made green jobs a top priority when they first came into office, but thanks to Republican obstruction and industry backlash, those green job plans have barely gotten off the ground. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio discusses the hurdles facing the green jobs initiative with author and Mother Jones contributor Chris...

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